About Us
Come enjoy the serenity, wildlife, ecosystem and majestic beauty of the 10,000 islands here in the Everglades national Park and surrounding area with Captain Craig’s Adventures. Captain Craig is a 7th Generation native to the 10,000 islands, whose family has pioneered the land unifying with the ecosystem and wildlife.
Let us bring you into our world, viewing and learning about the wildlife and ecosystem and hearing adventurous stories about our past and the people that has been through these islands and their exploits. We are a part of the history and also the local lore and we are excited to share it with you. It’s always an adventure with Captain Craigs Adventures!

Our Adventures

Adventure into the 10,000 Islands looking for the playful, frolicking dolphins that love to jump in the wake behind Captain Craigs boats.

Go shelling on white sand beaches bordering the Gulf of Mexico on practically untouched islands, finding many different species of awesome shells

Visit Totch’s Island (Totch Brown) the last pioneered island, Fakahatchee island the old home site, Chatam Bend where the outlaw Ed Watson lived and learn about the Calusa Indians and the history of our area

The majestic beauty of the roseate spoonbill, Baldeagle, Osprey, heron, egret, cormorant, pelicans, king fishers and the other birds that roost, feed and play in these islands is worth the adventure.

Enjoy the serenity of the first breath of dawn as the sun shines ifs warmth on the beauty of the 10,000 islands.

Come enjoy the serenity and learn about the mangrove trees, white sand beaches, coral islands and many different species of birds, plants, mammals and sea life


Outdoor treasure hunting in the 10,000 islands. We have 7 geocaches that are easily accessible. Join the club It’s a world wide event.
Enjoy the majestic beauty of the sun kissing the horizon of the Gulf of Mexico and have the opportunity to experience the green flash that only few see.